
Mobilizing Knowledge for Distributed Sales Teams

From how to position, qualify and sell – to updates on new products, features and the competition, your sales team needs knowledge. But it needs to be accessible, digestible and engaging. By providing mobile access to relevant information, organizations can enable their workforce to get the knowledge they need when they need it – between meetings, at home or in transit. However, effectively migrating this knowledge to the mobile realm requires you to distill key messages and streamline design to accommodate multiple devices and be easily retained on the go.

More isn’t always better. Sometimes it’s just more.

Dealing with smaller screens and shorter attention spans requires breaking down information about complex subjects to make it more manageable to consume and easier to transfer to the real world. While the information might be valuable, in traditional sales training 80% of what reps learn is forgotten within 30 days if they are not able to internalize it and apply it in their day-to-day activities. With MobilePaks sales reps can easily access critical information when and where they need it in order to practice and reinforce the training and make it more effective.

Designing information that is engaging and relevant

To make knowledge truly accessible on the go, learning development teams need to consider a variety of factors from device type (iPhone, Android tablet, laptop, etc.) to physical surroundings, as well as Internet access, mobile screen size or touch specifications. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use interactive elements such as rich-content, video, quizzes and more, just keep in mind that for maximum usability, designs should be streamlined for the “lowest common denominator”.

Tracking user experience to improve the program

Incorporating knowledge checks and assessments throughout the knowledge sharing program increases engagement as well as provides feedback on competency and retention. Plus, performance, consumption and activity metrics will allow the company to have a deeper understanding of the factors that are influencing employee success.

Combining all of these elements when developing a mobile knowledge sharing program will not only bring life to stale content, but will empower employees to be more productive and successful. For example, because Yesmail’s sales force is geographically distributed and its products are continually evolving through agile development, the company was finding it increasingly challenging to distribute current and up-to-date information. Despite investing 100+ hours in building training videos on their Intranet, Yesmail’s sales force still had limited product knowledge so the company utilized the MobilePaks platform and sales readiness tool to provide their workforce with comprehensive product training that is engaging, meaningful, and measurable. Because MobilePaks is device agnostic, Yesmail’s sales force has access to on-demand performance support, training and job aids that can be completed at their convenience, only requiring a couple of clicks.

Want to know more? Read our brief on Going Mobile to Boost Sales Performance.

Mobilizing Knowledge to Create Convenient Learning Moments

August 2013, eLearn Magazine: The world is shifting to a mobile-driven information society and employees are asking organizations to follow suit.


Convert “Traditional” Content to “Mobile” Content in 3 Steps

One of the biggest needs when doing a content conversion from a traditional ILT or WBT is simply, how? This can seem like a really daunting task to take already existing content and make it mobile-ready. To try to help qualm these fears, I will boil down what you have to do to begin a content conversion in three easy steps.

Step One: Analyze.

thinkerAnalyze the content that you are trying to convert. Is it a long already existing web based training? Is it a recorded webinar that you have that is filled with great tips and tricks? Is it a .PDF or job aid that is great for printing but doesn’t translate well to a smaller device?

All of those are OK, because the good news is you aren’t starting from scratch. Now you just need to ask yourself these questions about the existing materials:

  1. Where are the key learning objectives from this material?
  2. Are there are already good break points in the material that can be utilized?
  3. What are the engaging pieces that can be utilized for a mobile device?

Apply your answers to the questions above to step two.

Step Two: Chunk. Slice. Chop. Repeat.

Go through your answers to step one, and now based on the learning objectives, natural break points and good engaging pieces chopin the material you can slice the content up into much smaller modules.

For mobile learning, be as direct as possible and keep modules to under 5 minutes for best results.

Now that you have your key learning objectives in smaller “chunks” or modules, you need to focus on the third step….

Step Three: Search-ability.

Now that the the content is broken down into smaller chunks, you have to make it easy to find and access. Make sure the end user can get to the content easily, that, after all, is the best feature of having the learning be mobile.

search-iconHow do you make learning searchable?

Add tags to the modules and write good descriptions, so learners know what is inside of each of the modules. Also to increase search-ability, make sure there is a good title on the mobile module, so a learner can easily scan titles to find what they need.

Make sure your delivery mechanism allows for easy search of content, this will make the learning experience a fantastic one for the end user. Remember, searching for a content on phone is often more cumbersome than searching on a desktop device. Try your best to make content easy to find by eliminating clicks to get to the actual content.

This list is by no means exhaustive, but hopefully this gives you a good start on converting your existing content over to mobile.